Meet the Dog of the Week: Leena

Leena, a sweet and silly lady who lives to protect!

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Meet the dog of the week: Leena

Get the inside scoop about Leena from her pal Chloe

Meet the dog of the week: Leena. Once you are in Leena’s inner circle, you’ve got a friend for life!

Dog’s Name: Leena

Owner’s Name: Julie

Breed: Pit Bull Mix

Birthday: June 15, 2009

What are Leena’s favorite foods?  Peanut butter and any dog treat, but she’s not too picky

What are Leena’s favorite tricks to do for a treat? Sit, Putting on all her walking gear. In addition, she always gets a bone filled with peanut butter after our walk.

What is Leena’s idea of a perfect day? Leena’s perfect day would be filled with crazy playtime with her brother Oakley – they love roughhousing. Also, a good belly rub break here and there, plus for all bicycles to be wiped off the face of the earth!

Theme Song:Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen – the perfect ramp up into play mode and charging around the block, I imagine it playing in her head as she cruises around

Favorite Activity: Hmm, I would say roughhousing with her brother or playing with her humans. AND checking the “bunny box” on our route, she just wants to stare at these bunnies and sniff out their burrows. She could sit at that box for hours.

Nicknames: Lee, Leen, Leena-Bean, Leena-BoBeena

What challenges did you encounter with Leena? Leena is very reactive to people she doesn’t know, dogs, and bicycles. Leena also wears a muzzle. We did three or four days of partnered walks so that Leena could get used to my presence and build trust between us before I took over her walks, and now we are besties! And when we are outside, we avoid anyone and everyone so that she can sniff and mark in peace.

What is your favorite memory of Leena? I love seeing Leena play with her brother. We don’t have a lot of time for them to play, but it is so fun to see them running around and wrestling. Also, she is such a playful, sweet lady.

If Leena had a catch-phrase, what would it be? “Sugar, SPICE, and everything nice.”

If Leena was a famous movie character, who would it be? The Godfather, specifically Vito Corleone older sweet grandfather vibes, but very protective of her people (although her brother Oakley thinks that he runs the family, it’s really Leena)

Thanks for reading about our furry friend Leena

We are so glad you got to meet our dog of the week, Leena, she asks you to please pass the PB her way. Also, keep your eyes peeled for more dogs of the week!


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Comments (1)

Ross G

I have met Leena - she is an awesome pup with an awesome owner! Great article!

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